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over 3 years ago
Module Development

Please use the Contact form for requests. We can only accept PayPal or bank transfer at this time.

over 3 years ago
Lectern SMP

Our server is designed to showcase our Resources, which all depend on the Quests plugin. However, we're interested in making this a fun and safe environment to play Minecraft in general. If you would like to volunteer your building, quest-creation, or other talents, feel free to leave a comment below. We hope you enjoy visiting Lectern!

over 3 years ago
Module Development

This is for paid service only. To request something for free, create a thread in Requesting instead.

If you're interested in having Browsit develop a Quests module for your needs, submit a request using our Contact form. You may expect a reply within 72 hours, except during holidays and periods of high demand. Please clearly state your request, along with your budget and deadline. We accept PayPal and bank-to-bank wire transfers at this time. Once paid and complete, the module will be delivered electronically. Product support will be offered for 14 business days from time of delivery, with no implied warranty.

If you found our service satisfactory (or not!), please leave a review below:

over 3 years ago
Resource Guidelines

If you're reading this, chances are you'd like to upload a Quests-related resource to our marketplace. If you intend to post a premium (paid) resource, make sure to add your PayPal information by hovering over your username -> "Account" -> "Resources" and enter the email address associated with the account (don't forget to click "Submit").

Resource Guidelines

  1. You must be the original author and copyright holder of the work which you are submitting.
  2. Descriptions should be of good quality and predominately written in English. If the in-game text is not in English, this should be noted.
  3. Obfuscation / DRM is not permitted at this time. Contact us if you believe your resource warrants exception.
  4. Pricing shall neither exceed $29.99 USD before discount, nor subceed $0.99 USD after discount, for any resource. If we feel that your asking price is inappropriate, we reserve the right to adjust it with or without notice. Do not advertise sales in your resource title; use the discount field.
  5. Resources which have been verified to be critically incompatible with the latest version of Quests may be pruned after 3 weeks of inactivity. We are unable to recover pruned resources.
  6. As per the Terms and Conditions, you are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.
  7. Browsit may modify or remove Content at any time without notice, but especially if a copyright complaint is received and we believe an infringement has taken place. If submitting such a complaint, you agree that we may publish it in its entirety.
  8. Failing to read these guidelines does not exempt you from compliance. You agree to these terms, as well as those outlined below, by submitting your resource on this website.

The payment facilities on this website are provided for your convenience only. At no point in time does Browsit, LLC participate in the transfer or receiving of third-party funds. This means that most relationships exist entirely between the buyer, third-party seller, and potentially payment processor (PayPal). We are not an agent for any party. As a result of this it is not our duty to ensure any level of access to any resources. If you find yourself unable to access our site (for example as a result of being banned), then it is up to the author to provide you with access elsewhere. All payment disputes must be handled through the payment processor.

We encourage all resource developers to provide a reasonable level of support and updates to their buyers. This being said, there should be no expectation when purchasing a resource that the resource will be updated or maintained beyond what is currently provided. Old and unmaintained resources are regularly pruned (see details above), so it is important to save copies of any resources you purchase. We do not guarantee that they will be available in the future.

If a dispute is opened against a resource, the buyer will lose access to the resource automatically regardless of resolution decided by the payment processor. Browsit will not investigate disputes except in repeated cases, or cases where the reason is "Unauthorized Transaction". Paying by e-cheque is also allowed (if enabled by the seller on their PayPal account), however any transactions which bounce will be treated the same as a dispute.

It is a violation of the forum rules to republish or distribute any resources which you have purchased. This means that you should only give those whom you completely trust access to a server with premium resources installed; lest you be held responsible for their actions. Additionally it is not possible to transfer resources between accounts, so if you feel you may be in a situation where a shared "server" account is required, you should use it from day one (and only for this purpose in line with other forum rules).

Finally, just to be clear once again (as per our full Terms and Conditions which govern this entire website): We, the providers of the service provided by this website ("Service") are not responsible for any third-party content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time. These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register for or use this Service.

over 3 years ago
Forum Rules

Thanks for visiting our website. Your use of these forums is garnered by the following restrictions to help ensure a safe environment for all. Note that while the moderators of this website are volunteers (unless otherwise noted), they are dedicated to enforcing these rules in an unbiased manner. Please contact us if you find any reason to believe otherwise.

Forum Rules

  1. Maintain a basic standard of human decency. No bigotry, sexual content (above "PG-13"), abusive behavior toward real-world entities or illegal activity will be permitted. This includes violations of the Minecraft EULA. Swearing is allowed in moderation when not directed at a specific entity.
  2. Do not abuse forum privileges. This includes posting spam, excessive or inappropriate advertising, and/or bypassing word restrictions. Do not distribute paid Resources, regardless of origin.
  3. Creation of multiple accounts is not permitted at this time. Contact us if you believe your situation warrants exception.
  4. Keep content in English as much as possible. Use a translating service to translate your content if you are unable to speak English. Be kind to those on the opposite side of the language barrier.
  5. Failing to read these rules does not exempt you from compliance. You agree to these terms, as well as those outlined below, by submitting your Content on this website.

Finally, just to be clear once again (as per our full Terms and Conditions which govern this entire website): We, the providers of the service provided by this website ("Service") are not responsible for any third-party content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time. These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register for or use this Service.